Home Entertainment

Can Redbox steal marketshare from Netflix with unlimited movie streaming?

Can Redbox steal marketshare from Netflix with unlimited movie streaming?
Is Netflix in any real danger now that Redbox looks to be targeting it, with unlimited movie streaming for under $4 a month?
Is Netflix in any real danger now that Redbox looks to be targeting it, with unlimited movie streaming for under $4 a month?
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Is Netflix in any real danger now that Redbox looks to be targeting it, with unlimited movie streaming for under $4 a month?
Is Netflix in any real danger now that Redbox looks to be targeting it, with unlimited movie streaming for under $4 a month?

Those of us in the U.S. already know how powerful the tiny red kiosks really are. Redbox and Netflix are directly responsible for the demise of offline movie rental giant Blockbuster. Will Redbox's new streaming plan now steal significant marketshare from Netflix?

At just under four bucks, it's definitely a threat.

The proposed package would run US$3.95 monthly, and would provide unlimited video streaming, along with customer coupon codes for four free DVD rentals at any Redbox kiosk.

The cheapest plan Netflix currently offers is $8.95 and it doesn't include streaming, since Netflix split its services into Qwikster (for mail-in DVDs) and the original Netflix brand (for streaming).

No word yet on what hardware the Redbox streaming service will entail, but we'll definitely be keeping an eye on it.

Now if only they would come to Australia. Maybe the movie piracy rates would be lower? Regional releases and licencing is wrong.
Bryan Clark
Michael Taylor
I\'m rooting for Redbox. I think Netflix CEO has made a series of comedic errors and I hope they continue to lose market share. Competition is good and Netflix needs a good slap in the face.
Ann Gregory
Well, now I\'m really glad I canceled my Netflix service. At least, I still have the TVDevo website\'s service and get movies and TV for cheaper than what Netflix offers.
is this new or is this an old story (april 2010) - i remember reading about that back then.
Geez, how much cheaper can streaming get?And will people still complain anyway?
Robert in Vancouver
We\'ll never get Redbox streaming in Canada. If we do it will be a useless watered down version like the streaming Netflix we get.
(Netflix Canada has only about 10% of the movies that Netflix USA has).
That\'s what you get when you have a government owned TV station like Canada\'s CBC who protects their market share by killing or crippling competitors.
Gregg Eshelman
Someone needs to do a filksong of The Buggles \"Video Killed the Radio Star\" as \"Redbox Killed the Video Store\".
Seems only fitting since that was the very first video shown on MTV, back when MTV actually was Music TeleVision.
Competition is great or could it be that killing the goose that laid the golden egg. Or maybe bait and switch, like the auto industry did in the past. But overall competition is good. This is a fast world we live in. Here today gone today. Look what happened to the realestate market, this was truly what happened, the greed at the top. Have to watch the Documentary Inside Job.
Will, the tink
The way I see it there are three issues for the American public when it comes to streaming videos. 1) package costs (what you get for your buck) 2)Quality of the movies offered (you can have a whole boatload of B movies and still brag you offer a lot of movies 3) Throughput concerns. From A to Z, what is the overall speed and quality of your streaming experience. As technology moves forward, it can do nothing but help the viewing experience so that is good. Let\'s hope the Redbox experience is truly not only competitive with Netflix but better. Then again, don\'t forget about sites outside the juristiction of the US which offer free streaming of some really good TV shows like Sons of Anarchy, Dexter, Breaking bad, Justified, UFC, Terriers, and a whole bunch of other series shows that I am sure are the favorites of others. Similar to the way over-the-air TV broadcasts used to be with shows financed by commercials. They help to keep the paid services within reason as well! As far as Canada and Austrailia are concerned, you too can see some of these out-of-country free streaming sites. Thank God for the internet! :-)