
Demron lightweight, lead-free radiation-proof suit

Demron lightweight, lead-free radiation-proof suit
Full-body Demron suit Photo: Business Wire
Full-body Demron suit Photo: Business Wire
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Full-body Demron suit Photo: Business Wire
Full-body Demron suit Photo: Business Wire

May 9, 2008 Radiation Shield Technologies has been granted a new patent for Demron, the protective garment that shields users from alpha and beta radiation, gamma rays, x-rays, and other nuclear emissions. The flexible, cool, and lightweight suit provides all the protection of a lead apron with a new level of comfort, and without any dermal or inhalation risks.

The company recently announced a new Australian patent for what it says is the world’s first nuclear radiation-blocking, anti-chemical and biological-protection material. First introduced in 2002, this new patent is in addition to others in Australia, as well as existing patents in the US, Singapore and Russia.

In 2005, the US government classified X-rays as a carcinogen, highlighting the need for effective radiation protection for medical professionals. Unfortunately, standard radiation shielding uses lead, which is heavy, cumbersome, and toxic. The virtue of using lead, despite its obvious drawbacks, is its large amount of electrons, which absorb radiation. Demron simulates the atomic structure of heavy metals, in a non-toxic, lightweight material. The polymer in Demron creates a large electron cloud that, at a sample thickness of 0.38mm, provides a factor three protection against beta radiation, and a factor 10 protection against low level gamma emissions.

The result is an easily fitted jumpsuit style garment contains an advanced radiopaque nano-polymeric compound fused between layers of fabric, making it flexible, cool, and lightweight. While originally designed for doctors who work with x-rays, the suit, which has also been patented in the US, Singapore, and Russia, has a variety of applications. Its malleability, thinness, and effectiveness allow it to be used for full-body nuclear, biological, and nuclear-biological chemical suits, tactical anti-nuclear vests, and high-energy suppression blankets. Several governments have ordered suits for use in emergencies that involve radiation, and scientists have even earmarked it for use in future missions to Mars.

“Demron is a liquid metal that feels like fabric, and the suits are cool, lightweight and flexible,” said Ronald DeMeo, president and CEO of Radiation Shield Technologies. “Demron helps individuals more comfortably perform a broader range of duties and with the confidence of knowing they’re well-protected.”

What are the radiation shielding factors for lead, as a comparison? Anyway, it is a good product
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What\'s the cost?
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Is it available to anyone, or is it just made for certain people in certain jobs?